A transparency campaign from

Support the Blocked project

Blocked is a free tool. It was generously funded by our sponsors and supporters, and built by ORG volunteers. Here's how you can help us keep this important project running.

Run a probe

We need people to run probes, especially TalkTalk, Virgin and PlusNet customers, on normal or filtered lines.

TalkTalk customers can switch categories on during "homework time", or set filters as off during set periods.

Join Open Rights Group

By joining ORG, you can help us to continue to provide Blocked for free. We are the UK's only grassroots organisation campaigning for the rights to privacy and free speech online. We rely on our members to help us challenge threats to these rights. We also have local ORG groups where you can get together with like-minded people in your area for events and discussions about digital rights. 

Find blocked sites

There are so many sites that are blocked by filters when they shouldn't be. We are frequently told that overblocking is not a problem but we think this is because many website owners have no idea that their sites are blocked. We need people to use this tool to check and report sites that shouldn't be filtered. Not only will you be helping website owners, you will also increase transparency about filters by helping us to get a clearer picture about overblocking.


Please consider making a donation to help ORG continue to run Blocked for free. Your donation could also help us to develop other tools that expose threats to free speech and privacy, and promote a free and open Internet.


Send us your stories

We're really interested in hearing about how web filters have affected you. If you're a site owner or you've been prevented from accessing important information, please tell us about it. You can read about some of the personal impacts of filtering here.

Send your stories to press@openrightsgroup.org



The Blocked project relies on a brilliant group of technical and non-technical volunteers. We are always looking for new people to join the team. We also have a list of cool features we'd like to add in future. Feel free to browse, and if you have any questions, shout up on our mailing list.

Spread the word

Please help us to spread the word about Blocked. We think that many people aren't aware of the extent of web blocking caused by parental filters. When you hear your friends complaining about site blocking or discussing censorship, please send them to this site. We want as many people as possible to blog, tweet, post and comment about filtering and how it affects them. 

Supported by

Andrews and Arnold Ltd  :Bytemark Hosting  Top10VPN

Spread the word

Many people aren’t aware of the extent of overblocking. Please share the Blocked tool to help raise awareness and correct mistakes.